Senses of detachment – Prospects for change
The project for the summer semester focused on the alarming state of the global spread of Covid-19, that led to a lockdown of more than half of the world’s population. In Senses of detachment – Prospects for change, we looked at the three topics including a) medical knowledge and health procedures and their uncertainties, b) societal, social, political, economic and ecological impacts and disintegrations and c) possible post-pandemic visions for social restructuring or structuring anew. We explored digital methods for reaching out to people via surveys and an online collaboration with the social choreography department Duke University on “social dreaming”, North Carolina, USA.
More about Senses of detachment-Prospects for change
The first Corona online semester took place with 18 students from the second semester, which meant that the students already knew each other from the first face-to-face semester. The project for the summer semester focused on the alarming state of the global spread of Covid-19. It had reached 187 countries and led to a lockdown of more than half of the world’s population.
We looked at the three topics including firstly medical knowledge and health procedures and their uncertainties, furthermore societal, social, political, economic and ecological impacts and disintegrations and finally possible post-pandemic visions for social restructuring or structuring anew. Furthermore, I could offer a contact with Duke University that allowed interested students to participate in the Social Dreaming online project. The social choreography department project, led by Michael Klien, Michael Hardt, and Steve Valk consisted of an open platform that invited people to share their dreams during pandemic times. The only rule was not to be interpretive of one’s own dreams or those of others, but to allow a collective synopsis of individual contributions. The idea was to create an open social communication space for people from different countries and cultural backgrounds.
The working methods for the course were severely limited by the absence of the face-to-face classes, and teaching, communication and collaboration were only possible via the online platforms. We were confronted with this additional actant for the first time and sought to grasp the positive aspects for this inevitable condition.
The advantage was, that students could participate from anywhere, as some had gotten stuck in their home countries due to lockdowns. Experiments with the online medium were at the forefront of the artistic makings and consisted in the production of surveys, performances and group meetings with sharing ideas and creating ways of cooperating online in an artistic manner. A lively exchange developed, and three working groups created joint contributions.
Senses of detachment-Prospects for change_ original course info
Senses of detachment – Prospects for change
The global spread of Covid-19 caused by coronavirus has currently reached 187 countries and led to a lockdown of more than half of the world’s population. Health care systems are collapsing, and measures are being imposed that lead to disintegrations in social, societal, political, economic and ecological fields, extending into our personal lives, with countries and groups of people affected in unequal ways.
In the SoSe 2020 we will look at the anatomy and morphology of the uncertain medical knowledge, our constantly changing living conditions and fathom prospects for change.
As a starting point for an artistic and creative approach you will find a basic presentation with clusters that you can use according to your interests.
The topics are:
1) Medical-health knowledge and procedures: uncertainties and sources of error
2) societal, social, political, economic and ecological impacts and disintegrations
3) Post-pandemic visions for social restructuring or structuring anew
The clusters contain links to videos, podcasts, texts, animations, etc. You can zoom in and find the best starting point for your work.
Further links und info can be found under „Dateien & Links“.
You can choose all media, techniques and genres that suit your idea best, and create images, posters, texts, interviews, music, experiments, surveys, petitions, live art, performances, videos, photo series, cartoons, mask making, yeast production, products, projects, objects, collaborations, activities or interventions in social or artistic fields. You are also welcome to introduce aspects not yet included in the prezi. Your contributions will change and expand the basic presentation, which can be restructured or designed anew. The result will be presentation of all contributions, accessible in Incom and via Prezi.
All material is available for download and offline use, according to your own timing. We will work in joint group sessions, cluster-specific groups and individual online appointments.
I’m looking forward to getting to know you and your ideas and am sure we can work together, although being apart!
See you soon, Tyyne Claudia Pollmann
Die globale Ausbreitung der durch das Coronavirus ausgelösten Krankheit Covid-19 hat zurzeit 187 Länder erfasst und zu einem Lockdown von mehr als der Hälfte der Weltbevölkerung geführt. Gesundheitssysteme brechen zusammen und Maßnahmen werden verhängt, die zu Auflösungserscheinungen in gesellschaftlichen, sozialen, politischen, ökonomischen und ökologischen Feldern führen und bis in unsere persönlichen Lebensbereiche reichen, wobei Länder und Menschengruppen in ungleicher Weise betroffen sind.
Im Kurs des SoSe 2020 werden wir die Anatomie und Morphologie des ungesicherten medizinischen Wissens und unsere sich kontinuierlich verändernden Lebensbedingungen gemeinsam untersuchen und post-pandemische Visionen erzeugen.
Als Startpunkt für einen künstlerischen und kreativen Umgang findet ihr eine Basis-Präsentation mit 3 Clustern, in die ihr je nach Bedarf und Interesse nutzen könnt.
Die Cluster sind:
1) Medizinisch-gesundheitliches Wissen und Vorgehen: Unsicherheiten und Fehlerquellen
2) gesellschaftliche, soziale, politische, ökonomische und ökologische Folge- und Auflösungserscheinungen
3) Visionen für gesellschaftliche Re- oder Neustrukturierungen nach der Pandemie
Ihr findet zahlreiche Links zu Videos, Podcasts, Texten, Animationen, usw. Ihr könnt euch alles anschauen und den besten Startpunkt für eure Arbeit finden.
Weitere Links und Infos findet ihr unter „Dateien & Links“.
Für euren Beitrag könnt ihr alle Medien, Techniken und Genres nutzen beispielsweise Bilder, Poster, Texte, Interviews, Musik, Experimente, Umfragen, Petitionen, live art, Performances, Videos, Foto-Serien, Comics, Maskenbau, Hefeproduktion, Produkte, Projekte, Objekte, Kollaborationen, Aktivitäten, Interventionen in gesellschaftlichen oder künstlerischen Bereichen erarbeiten. Ihr könnt gern auch weitere Aspekte einführen, die in der Prezi noch nicht erfasst sind. Die Basis-Präsentation wird sich weiterentwickeln und durch eure Beiträge re- oder neustrukturiert werden. Das Resultat wird eine Präsentation aller Beiträge sein, die über Incom oder Prezi zugänglich ist.
Alles Material steht als Download zur Verfügung und kann offline nach eurem individuellen Zeitplan genutzt werden. Wir werden uns in online Gruppen-Sessions treffen, Cluster-spezifische Gruppen bilden und uns in individuellen online Gesprächen austauschen.
Ich freue mich darauf, euch und eure Ideen kennen zu lernen und bin mir sicher, dass wir super zusammenarbeiten können, auch wenn wir räumlich getrennt sind!
Bis bald, Tyyne Claudia Pollmann