mental mappings publication

mental mappings —
erlaubte und unerlaubte Ähnlichkeitstransformationen
(permitted and prohibited similarity transformations)
comprises the projects:
mental mappings
translate 2020: 9 cm, dreamachine, Nietzsche bynite
the one and the many – other ones
1 und 1 und 1
and stop counting.
The artistic productions explore scientific procedures and fundamentals from the fields of medicine, computer technology, physics and mathematics. By means of artistic works, the foundations and reference systems of our perception of reality become visible. The projects were realized by means of different transdisciplinary working structures, whereby a novel approach to artistic and mathematical questions becomes possible.
Tyyne Claudia Pollmann, mental mappings — erlaubte und unerlaubte Ähnlichkeitstransformationen, German language , 77 p., b/w, Salon Verlag, 2008, ISBN-13: 978-3-89770-299-8
The publication is out of stock with Salon Verlag Köln. Some copies are still available by request: